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Wellness Leadership Program

Beautiful Women


live the life you want while helping others 

reach their potential

"I wish every woman would do this course!"
Co Founder

Game-changing Mentorship for your Wellness Career
Jo brings together 30 years of experience as a leader in multi modality wellness practice to empower practitioners, ranging from medical doctors, naturopaths, physiotherapists, somatic
and psychotherapists, sexual councillors, coaches, change agents, teachers and counsellors.
Her leadership program provides clarity, practical tools and the self confidence
to own who you are as a practitioner.   
        Sessions will guide you with the necessary steps to:
  •  Learn why you say YES when you mean NO in your business.
  • Learn why and how to no longer take on client issues and energy.
  • Create healthy professional boundaries with your workload, clients, students and patients.
  • Learn practical ways to become stress resilient while at home in your own body.
  • Learn how to ground, centre and focus in your female body while helping others.
  • Navigate the unseen yet potent and available subtle energies to elicit life-changing client results.
  • Learn the gear shift of the nervous system to professionally optimise your female cycle and increase your vitality.
  • Align potently with your soul purpose to create ALCHEMY with your business yields, client results, and reach.
      Program Structure
              and Cost
  • Initial 45 minute 1 on 1 with Jo.
  • 5 x powerful One- on- One Leadership sessions personally with Jo ( over 8 weeks maximum)​.   
  • Mastery Guided Meditation.
  • Embodied Boundary Video.
  •  Weekly exercises to implement 
  •   Weekly assignments to integrate 
  • Comprehensive Lioness Leadership EBook including: ​

 energy and physical anatomy diagrams /          explanations and homework.


 the science of the sexes statistics / research on brain neurochemistry, structure and communication differences.


 introduction to feminine and masculine foundational principals for better relationships and business skills.​​

   Weekly exercises to implement 
   Weekly assignments to integrate 
      AU$2800  2 easy instalments
      AU$2400  paid up front
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